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How to make the most out of your mistakes

Mistakes… I’m definitely an expert on the subject! I’ve heard many times that “you learn from your mistakes”. Sure, of course we do. But how can we really benefit from our mistakes? I’ve discovered a few things from my mistakes and in today’s motivational video I share what I’ve realised about mistakes and the 3
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What is passion? It’s the combination of those 2 things

Do you know what passion is? It’s something you love and something you hate, and the tension in between the two. I hate drugs and I loved helping people who suffered from drug addiction. I then became passionate about building a drug rehabilitation center. So how do you discover your passion? It’s all outlined in
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We all have this but we need to urgently overcome it

We all have self-doubt. So what do you do when you have an area of doubt? If you doubt your knowledge of something for example, what can you do? Well, in this week’s motivational video I share some of the things I do to overcome my self-doubt that have worked very well over the years.
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Have your resilience levels been depleted?

We all need resilience to face life’s challenges. But unfortunately our resilience levels have been depleted because we rely on others more and more. So in today’s video I share why increasing our resilience is more important than ever and tips on how to improve your resilience levels so you can face any problem that
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What atmosphere do you create?

Do you ever wonder what atmosphere you create? Is it frantic, is it chaotic? Does your household sound more like a fish market? You see, the atmosphere you create determines the product you create. So this week I want to encourage you to look at the atmosphere you create and how to create one that
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What are your real expectations?

What you expect in life comes from what you believe. If you expect, you will receive. Because expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles. So this week I want you to look at what your expectations are, and how to change your expectations so you can attract better things in your life. And in this
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Are you a spender or an investor?

I’ve noticed that a lot of people think they’re investing, but really what they’re doing is spending money on things that depreciates in value. So what makes something a good investment? In this video I share what I invest in and why it’s brought me the biggest returns on investment. Yours in Prosperity, Pat Mesiti

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What is your assignment in this life?

God created you with a specific assignment. Do you know what it is? Have you surrounded yourself with people who will help you complete your assignment successfully? So in today’s video I reveal the importance of knowing your assignment and how you can complete it. Yours in Prosperity, Pat Mesiti

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One thing I do that’s terrible

There’s one thing that I do often: make mistakes. I’ve made many over the years which have led to me losing a lot. But one thing’s for sure is that we can’t “camp at the alter of mistakes” and I explain why in this video and also share how to overcome any mistakes you make
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How to attract more positivity into your life

Attracting more positivity is definitely something many people want to achieve. Especially these days with all the negativity around us.  I know how easy remaining negative is and I know how difficult remaining positive is. So in today’s motivational video I share the few minor changes you can do to start experiencing more positive outcomes
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I’m always asked about risk

I’m often asked “is this risky?”, or “if I do this, what’s the risk?” The truth is, there’s risk in pretty much everything. But you should not live your life trying to avoid risk or else you never try new things and you don’t reach your full potential. So in this video I share how
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How to overcome a huge a setback

Experiencing setbacks can be scary. Believe me, I know all about setbacks… But looking back, I realised that setbacks can be ‘a set up for a comeback’. So in this video I share how to make the most of a setback and the one thing you MUST NOT do during setbacks. Yours in Prosperity, Pat
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