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Stop waiting for a big victory

Yes we all love victories. We can’t wait to celebrate a big win. We’re so focused on big victories that we don’t pay attention to all the small wins that come our way. But there’s power in celebrating small wins too because everything starts small. So in today’s motivational video I reveal what happens when
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What I discovered after having my first child

There’s one thing I realised after having children: the power of routine. No doubt, children thrive when they have a routine. But so do we as adults. We need a routine to experience more achievements. So in today’s motivational video I share how to create and follow a routine that helps you get closer to
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My advice if you want to get healthy

For most, being healthy is usually art the top of people’s list of goals. And unfortunately, it’s one of the hardest goals to achieve. This is why in today’s motivational video, I list the simple and easy tasks to do that will dramatically improve your health: Pat Mesiti

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The four-letter word that’s a curse around the world

Work. A four-letter word that is dreaded by most people. But both hard work and smart work is needed if you want to really prosper.Unfortunately, we live in a world where everyone wants everything handed to them. So in today’s motivational video I share the power of hard work and how to embrace it. Pat
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Have You Stopped Growing?

It’s such a tragedy that education for most people, education stops at high school or university. And I’ve met a lot of people who have plenty of degrees, but who have stopped growing. So how do you keep growing as a human being? Well, I outline the steps to take in today’s motivational video: Pat
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Why being positive is not enough

I’m tired of hearing people saying that just by being positive, everything will fall into place. Unfortunately, being positive is not enough. There are a few things you must also do in order to experience a positive outcome, and I list them in this week’s motivational video: Pat Mesiti

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How to deal with criticism

We can’t escape criticism. It’s everywhere. Especially now on social media. Every time you post something, the chances are, someone will find a reason to criticize you. So how do you deal with criticism? Well, in this week’s motivational video, I share one thing you should NEVER do when someone criticizes you: Pat Mesiti

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There’s so much we can complain about, but…

No doubt, there’s always something we can complain about. I once heard someone say “I once complained about someone not having shoes until I met someone who had no feet”. You see, some of the things we complain about, some people wish for. This is why in this week’s motivational video I share all the
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Your mental health struggles

At some point in our life we all suffer from mental health struggles. I’ve personally had mental health challenges quite a few times. And there’s one way I’ve found that really helps me every time I face these struggles which I share in today’s motivational video: Pat Mesiti

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How to make the most out of your mistakes

Mistakes… I’m definitely an expert on the subject! I’ve heard many times that “you learn from your mistakes”. Sure, of course we do. But how can we really benefit from our mistakes? I’ve discovered a few things from my mistakes and in today’s motivational video I share what I’ve realised about mistakes and the 3
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What is passion? It’s the combination of those 2 things

Do you know what passion is? It’s something you love and something you hate, and the tension in between the two. I hate drugs and I loved helping people who suffered from drug addiction. I then became passionate about building a drug rehabilitation center. So how do you discover your passion? It’s all outlined in
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We all have this but we need to urgently overcome it

We all have self-doubt. So what do you do when you have an area of doubt? If you doubt your knowledge of something for example, what can you do? Well, in this week’s motivational video I share some of the things I do to overcome my self-doubt that have worked very well over the years.
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