Don’t fall in this new year trap

Posted on: December 30th, 2024 in Mindset by Mesiti | 3 Comments

First of all, I want to wish you a happy new year.

There’s one thing we tend to do at the beginning of January… we set lots of good intentions.

But in this motivational video I recommend you don’t set intentions and instead do something much more powerful that will have a much greater impact on your life…

Pat Mesiti

  1. Andrea Hazelwood says:

    Intentions and promises to oneself are the same thing.

  2. Leanne Bennet says:

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy, Healthy & Wealthy New Year.

    Thank you Pat x

  3. Melysa Maree Cathcart says:

    Somebody was asking me if I have a new year resolution, and I said no. I am already working on things, so I expect to be continuing with those and hopefully create outcomes. Happy New Year!

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