How to Change Your Thinking Patterns to Attract Success

Posted on: July 17th, 2017 in Mindset by Pat Mesiti | 3 Comments

What Benjamin Disraeli and John Maxwell Have in Common

Benjamin Disraeli, the former prime minister of UK once said, “Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts”. What he was saying is that every person is the sum total of their thoughts. Your thoughts will ultimately decide the direction your life takes. John Maxwell in his brilliant book, Thinking for Change, said that if you develop better thinking habits, you can change your life. He believes that thinking habits or patterns are the reason why some people are successful and other people are not.

Unhealthy versus Positive Thinking Habits

You might not believe that what you think matters. It is more important that you behave virtuously, but there is an undeniable connection between your thoughts and what you achieve. Unhealthy thinking habits will undermine you, whereas positive thinking will lead you to success. Maxwell’s advice is to embrace good thinking as a lifestyle. He said that most people realise poor thinking produces poor results, but few people consciously work hard at “upgrading the quality of thinking habits”. Note that he uses the word “habit” – “thinking habits”. I have long believed that habits determine our destinies and unhealthy thinking patterns do become habits.

The Worst Thought Habit

What are bad thought habits? One of the worst is the “life sucks” thought habit. You think everything always turns out for the worst and no one is to be trusted. This thinking habit is self-fulfilling. Remember your dominant image will come to you. If you go into a job interview thinking that you won’t get the job and the recruiter doesn’t like you, of course you won’t get the job, because you won’t present yourself as a happy competent person, instead your negativity will show through.

Other Dangerous Thought Habits

Another dangerous thinking habit is to prematurely come to negative conclusions. For example: “that woman is wearing expensive clothes, she’s probably a snob”. This is a terrible habit because you are jumping to conclusions without the facts and your conclusions will stop you seeing the good in people.

Thinking Habits and Self-esteem

You might think that nothing good ever happens to you. This thinking habit often masks a lack of self-esteem. You actually believe that you are unworthy of anything good happening to you. You might also think that people always think you are dumb or ugly. Perhaps you also believe that every mistake is your fault. This thinking habit again indicates that you do not think you are worthy. Perhaps it stems from a childhood with strict and unaffectionate parents. If you think like this, you will sabotage all the wonderful things that could and should happen to you! Another dangerous thinking habit is the belief that you are always right and no one does anything as well as you. This habit indicates that you have trouble relating and trusting other people. You tend to alienate other people.

Breaking Bad Thinking Habits

Is it possible to break bad thinking habits and replace them with good ones? Definitely, but changing the bad habit of a lifetime requires lots of will-power.

Step 1

The first step towards solving a problem is recognising you have a problem. What thinking habit is impeding your prosperity? Are you overly critical of others? Are you a pessimist who always expects the worst? Do you spend a lot of time regretting mistakes made in the past?

Step 2

The next step on the road to change is becoming aware of when you have negative thoughts. Are there particular people or situations that prompt you to think these thoughts? Or do you go back to this way of thinking when you are stressed or tired? Once you are aware of when you are thinking destructive thoughts, you can introduce change.

Step 3

The next goal is to replace every negative thought with a positive, healthy thought. When you catch yourself thinking nothing good ever happens to me, tell yourself that you are a worthy person and good things will happen to you. Basically, to grow a healthy habit you need to feed it, to kill a bad habit, you must starve it. This is essential because your thought habits will decide your destiny.

Choosing your Peer Group Carefully

If you want to kick a bad habit, avoid people who are afflicted with the same negative habits. If you want to stop pre-judging people and start seeing the good in others then avoid people who gossip. Remember bad company corrupts good morals.

Be Strict on Yourself

When it comes to eliminating bad thinking habits there is no such thing as indulging in one or two back thoughts. You must be strict on yourself. Albert Einstein said, “The problems we face today cannot be solved with the same level of thinking we had when we created them.” Never excuse yourself if you again start thinking terrible things about others or yourself or this wonderful planet we live on. Get into the habit of “thinking right” – believe that it is your destiny to prosper. Be wary – you will not feel the chains of bad habits until they are almost too strong to break.

Use Repetition

If you are struggling to change your thinking habits, tell yourself repeatedly to think differently. You might want to adopt a chant or prayer you can say silently. Most religions use repetitions to help people think virtuous thoughts. Try to distract yourself when you find yourself thinking unhealthy thoughts. To change your thinking you could also change your actions. Go to work a different way, take up a new sport, go to bed earlier and get up early. By changing your thought habits, you are re-programing yourself – you are becoming a new and improved person. It’s the perfect time to shake up your life. John Locke said, “The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts.” Yes, you are what your think!

Final Thoughts

Unhealthy thinking habits are often established in childhood or later by traumas or disappointments. But it is possible to kick a bad thinking habit. You need to identify the unhealthy thinking habit and intentionally alter your thoughts by thinking positively. Reject self-defeating thoughts and refuse to be a small-minded person, as William Arthur Ward said, “Nothing limits achievement like small thinking, and nothing expands possibilities like thinking unleashed!”


Pat Mesiti is a best-selling author, coach and educator in the area of personal development. Having built some of Australia’s largest people-driven organisations, Pat understands the power of harnessing human potential. He has shared the stage with some of the world’s great business minds and has sold over millions of copies of his books and materials.


  1. Christine Schultz says:

    Thank you Pat, your messages are always inspiring and such a good reminder that life is as awesome as you dare to be.

  2. Scott says:

    Watch your thoughts as they become your words.
    Watch your words as they become your actions.
    Watch your actions as they become your character.
    Watch your character as it becomes your destiny.

    Watch your thoughts as it could become your destiny!

  3. Lameck says:

    That’s a fantastic article and looking forward to use it on a daily basis. Thank you very much Pat Mesiti.

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