Posts in Mindset

The Ten Most Unreported Human Crises in 2017

The Ten Most Unreported Human Crises in 2017

If you live in a first world country, like Australia or the United States, it is too easy to become caught up in your own problems. Perhaps because it’s the age of the “selfie” – the focus is always on the “me, me, me” but around the world millions of people are suffering because of
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How does your nationality shape your personality?

How does your nationality shape your personality?

Australia celebrates its national day in late January. Many people oppose Australia Day being held on January 26, because that is the day when the first European settlement was established at Sydney Cove. Indigenous Australians have argued that the date marks the start of their hardships and dispossession. It is also interesting to note that
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What is a healthy level of self-esteem?

What is a healthy level of self-esteem?

I do not have a problem with confidence consequently I sometimes struggle to understand people who lack confidence. I began my career as a youth counsellor and so had to confidently interact with young people. My job required me to show leadership and confidence. Later I was a preacher in a church. That job required
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The Incredible Power of Words in Business and Life

The Incredible Power of Words in Business and Life

I don’t know how internet savvy you are, but right now a war is raging on Twitter about which words should be banned from the English language. What sort of words are people talking about? Well, some of the words they want banished are chillax, preggers and totes (which someone explained to me is short
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How old were you when you grew up

How old were you when you ‘grew up’?

I read a great article on the BBC website which reported that scientists now classify adolescence as lasting from the ages of 10 to 24, although when I was young you stopped being a teenager at 19, if not sooner! I guess in Australia people legally become an adult at 18, but it used to
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The Last Words of an Inspirational Young Australian

The Last Words of an Inspirational Young Australian

Today I want to share with you some advice from a beautiful young woman who, just four days into the New Year, lost her battle with cancer. Holly Butcher grew up in a small town in northern New South Wales, Grafton. She was a lovely young woman, tall blonde, athletic. She was an extremely talented
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Is it possible to learn while you sleep?

Is it possible to learn while you sleep?

A friend of mine has been asking me for a while to write a blog on learning in your sleep. To be honest, when he first suggested this, I laughed. I thought it was a ridiculous idea. What was he thinking? Should I go to bed every night with a volume of Encyclopaedia Britannia under
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Why is there so much suffering in the world?

It’s been a strange summer … I have to tell you that I would have had a happier summer if I hadn’t watched or listened to the news, but I care about my country and I care about the world. It’s my duty to stay informed however there have been some heart-breaking news stories here
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