
Using the internet to build your brand

Using the Internet to Build your Brand

I didn’t start life as a best-selling author and motivational speaker. In fact I was born into a disadvantaged family. Both my parents were alcoholics, but today I am the author of nine best-selling books that have sold more than two million copies internationally. My columns have appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world
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6 essential Habits for Success

6 Essential Habits for Success

In my previous blog post I looked at three bad habits everyone should break or rather three dangerous forms of negative thinking that are detrimental to personal growth. Negative thinking, in all its forms, is the ultimate bad habit – a habit that you must persevere to break if you want to prosper. To recap,
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3 Bad Habits You Should Break to Change Your Life

3 Bad Habits You Should Break to Change Your Life

Are there some personal habits that you find particularly annoying? For example people who speak loudly on their mobile phones in cafes, so loudly that you are drawn into the conversation whether you like it or not? There is a raft of other personal habits that are irritating. What about people who put their feet
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5 reasons why your dreams are not coming true

5 Reasons Why Your Dreams Are Not Coming True

If you feel that everyone else’s dreams come true but not yours, then in this video you’ll discover the real reason why. Plus, you’ll learn the secrets behind finally making your dreams come true. In just a 7-minutes video that will give you the keys to finally make your dreams come true. Also give me
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Loloma Home

The 5 Key Characteristics You Must Have To Make A Difference In The World

Having a significant and positive effect on people or situations (also known as ‘making a difference’) has become more important than ever before since the prevalence of what I call “me-ism”, living solely for personal gratification. Making a difference can also help us realise how very much alike we all are, chasing the same hopes
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The Greatest Wealth And Prosperity Principle Of All Time

The Greatest Wealth And Prosperity Principle Of All Time

I often hear people say: “I just need enough money to put food on the table, no more”. When you think about it, that’s a selfish attitude. You and I should be able to earn enough money to put food on our own table and someone else’s table too. Why be content with just enough
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The Secrets Behind Building A 7 Figure Coaching Business

The Secrets Behind Building A 7 Figure Coaching Business

There’s no doubt, coaching is one of the most important professions today. Although a lot of people think that coaching is the process of sharing with a client what you’ve learnt and giving specific advice on how to run their lives, it actually isn’t. Coaching is not therapy like psychology or psychotherapy because it does
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Secrets of World's Best Speakers

Secrets Of The World’s Best Speakers

What do John F Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Dr. Martin Luther King have in common? They are all great speakers who touched people’s lives and changed the world through their speeches. There are thousands of talks delivered by many speakers every day but not all have the same impact on listeners. How then,
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How to become a best selling author

How To Become A Best Selling Author

There’s no doubt, being a best selling author can open lots of doors for you. Apart from the credibility it gives you, it also provides you with free publicity opportunities, an increase in website traffic and email subscribers, an increase in sales, speaking opportunities, and the list goes on… If writing a best seller has
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Four Reasons Professional Athletes Go Broke

Let me ask you a question: “What job has an average salary of $5 million per year and comes with a 60% chance of going bankrupt within 5 years after retirement?”  If you answered “professional NBA basketballer”. Then give yourself a gold star. Because that’s what discovered in a financial survey of American professional
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How To Make Your New Year Resolutions Stick in 2016 With These 4 Weird Tricks

While New Year’s resolutions can inspire positive new change in your life, the fact is most fail. According to a New Years’ Resolution study, the most common reason for resolutions failing are: Setting unrealistic goals (35%) Not keeping track of your progress (33%) Forgetting about it (23%) Making too many resolutions (10%) The study
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How A Death Metal Guitarist Made $120,000 in 90 Minutes – And How It’s Reinventing Businesses Everywhere (including yours).

Let me ask you a question. How does a death metal guitarist go from touring America with his band, only just scraping by, to making $120,000 in 90 minutes? Answer — He masters the art of running webinars in his business (and we have a step-by-step on how you can too). Stick with me on
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