
How to Easily Reinvent Yourself

How to Easily Reinvent Yourself

In a recent blog I mentioned a friend’s eight-year-old daughter, who was torn between a career in either veterinary care or dolphin training. Her unusual aspirations prompted me to research jobs working with animals and I was amazed to find that the pet care industry is one of the major growth hot spots of the
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How to Dramatically Improve the Quality of Your Relationships

How to Dramatically Improve the Quality of Your Relationships

Customer Service Skills Versus Relationship SkillsIn a recent blog I wrote about the importance of good customer service online, which got me thinking about constitutes quality customer service in shops and businesses. I started doing some research on the subject and came across an article on a site called HelpScout by Gregory Ciotti. Mr Ciotti
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How to Create Brand Evangelists for Your Business

I recently ordered a pair of swimming goggles online. I was after a particular brand and the only company I could find that sold them was based in the UK. When my package arrived from England, I tore open the wrapping. There were my new goggles and two little heart-shaped chocolates. Now I believe in
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Dare to Dream About Owning Your Own Business

Dare to Dream About Owning Your Own Business

In just a few days I will be speaking at the ‘Turning Your Passion into a Profit’ seminars around Australia. I’m very excited and will be sharing the stage with my friend, Allan Pease, who wrote the best-selling book, Body Language. Would you believe it sold six million copies! We will always be joined by
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How to Improve Your Networking Skills to Increase Your Net Worth

Europeans versus Anglo-AustraliansEuropeans have a very different attitude to business networking than Anglo-Australians. Networking is using your professional and personal connections to grow your business. However, quite a few Anglo-Australians believe it’s not a good idea to mix business with pleasure. But my background is Italian and my family definitely followed the European way. I
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How to Make Nerves Work for You Not Against You

How to Make Nerves Work for You Not Against You

I remember when I was at school that one year my best friend got into the finals of a public speaking competition. He had to speak in front of a big crowd and he was second on the program. A teacher introduced the first speaker, a small, speckled red-headed girl. When her name was called,
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Daily Habits that Dramatically Increase Intelligence

6 Daily Habits that Dramatically Increase Intelligence

I read an article once about a neuropsychologist at a big Melbourne Hospital, who said that dozens of healthy people approached him every year convinced they had a degenerative brain disease because they kept forgetting things. These poor individuals thought they had the onset or Alzheimer’s or dementia because they frequently lost their car keys
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The Secrets to Being More Disciplined Personally and Professionally

The Secrets to Being More Disciplined Personally and Professionally

Why discipline is important from an early age Have you ever lived with a teenager and tried to introduce discipline into their life? You encourage the teenager to make their bed, but end up in a debate about why this is necessary. “I’m only going to sleep in it and mess it all up again tonight,
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The Secret to Increasing your Productivity

The Secret to Increasing your Productivity

Coffee versus television The other day I dropped into a friend’s place and he made me a fantastic cup of coffee – smooth and strong, and positively laden with caffeine. After two cups I was buzzing. I went home and wrote my blog, or rather my blog wrote itself then I made some calls for
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How to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs for Good

How to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs for Good and Become Unstoppable

How limiting belief creep in A friend of mine has just had her first book published. It was signed by a trade publisher who specialises in travel guides. My friend has written a hilarious book about a family holiday in Asia. The book has been released in the Australian, UK and US markets, which is
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Creating a Business Plan for your Business

How to Create an Action Plan for your Business and Execute it

If you have ever worked for the public service, you’d know how much public servants love writing action plans. Sometimes these documents run to more than fifty pages and include multiple tables, figures and attachments. Public service action plans usually include definitions, project back ground, project context and at least a couple of pages thanking
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Turn your Passion into Income

Is it Possible to Turn your Passion into Income?

I read the results of a recent survey which found that most Australians are unhappy in their job. According to a survey of 4,800 people (carried out on behalf of SEEK Learning) more than half were dissatisfied with their work. Another survey I came across, run by Careerone, found that more than 80% of employees
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