
A Challenge For You – Stop Complaining For One Month

A Challenge For You – Stop Complaining For One Month

Have you heard of Dry July? The idea is to give up alcohol for one month. Well, I have a challenge for you. No complaining month! Complaining is essentially a form of negative thinking. We are focussing on what is wrong rather than what is right. Negative thinking or complaining kills our enthusiasm and motivation.
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Is it Possible to Increase Our Charisma

Is it Possible to Increase Our Charisma?

A friend of mine recently met the great Australian author Tim Winton. Winton is no oil painting. He is just an ordinary looking guy, but my friend said when she got to the front of a book signing queue and actually met him something strange happened. His entire focus seemed to be on her. His
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Can exercise, diet and therapy help treat depression

Can exercise, diet and therapy help treat depression?

In my last blog I looked at whether natural supplements like St John’s wort can help in the treatment of depression. Today I want to explore whether exercise, diet and therapy help treat depression. However, I first want to remind you that depression is a serious illness. It is life-threatening, like cancer. If you have
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What is depression and can you combat it naturally

What is depression and can you combat it naturally?

Depression is so much more than just feeling down or flat. Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects both your physical and mental health. The researchers cannot agree on what causes depression, but it is linked to a number of factors. According to the Beyond Blue website, “Depression usually results from a combination of
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How to turn setbacks into successes, and advice on coupling big dreams with workable strategies

How to turn setbacks into successes, and advice on coupling big dreams with workable strategies

I’ve been enjoying TED talks recently. TED stands for technology, entertainment and design. These conferences or public lectures are held in America and Europe and feature many geniuses. You should jump on the TED website and start looking at all the great thinkers who have given TED talks such as Bill Gates, Bono and even
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How to improve your money saving habits

How to improve your money saving habits

In the last couple of years the way we use money has changed immensely. When I was young I lived in a cash society. You needed cold-hard cash to buy goods. Today we live in a plastic card society. It is difficult to keep check of how much you are spending because you only have
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How to Remain Inspired Every Day

How to Remain Inspired Every Day

I remember once when I was writing one of my books, I allowed a young friend to read a few chapters of the manuscript. He came back to me and said that sections of the book were outstanding, but other parts needed to be more rousing. I did revise those sections, but he said it
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How to Create a Positive Morning Routine

How to Create a Positive Morning Routine

Winter in Australia has come to an end and we are now enjoying those first heady days of spring. The truth is that it’s often hard to stay motivated in winter. It is too easy in winter to eat the wrong food – lots of sweet and fatty comfort food, like puddings. And it’s too
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How to Help Your Children Through Tough Times

Being a parent means being there for your children. You change their nappies, teach them how to ride a bike and discourage them from eating too many lollies, and then, before you know it they are all grown up and dealing with adult problems like break ups. If you have a son or daughter experiencing
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Is Hoarding a Disorder and Do You Suffer From It?

Is Hoarding a Disorder and Do You Suffer From It?

Do you know anyone who is swamped by their possessions? I’m not talking about mess. I’m talking about someone who hoards. Every room in their house is cluttered and there is no longer a clear passage from the front door to the living room. Hoarding is actually a mental disorder. It was classified in 2013
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How to Successfully Delegate – At Work and Home

How to Successfully Delegate – At Work and Home

I have a friend who has a teenage son and she swears he has a form of learned helplessness. When she asks him to pack the dishwasher he complains that he can’t do it, doesn’t know how to fit in all the dishes. But my friend insists and he asks her a thousand questions about
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What is self-care and why is it important?

What is self-care and why is it important?

Self-care has become some new sort of buzz word that often makes people picture things like bubble-baths and mud facemasks, however that is not what self-care really is. Believe it or not, Wikipedia has managed to define self-care. According to Wikipedia, “self-care refers to actions and attitudes which contribute to the maintenance of well-being and
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