Posts in Mindset

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Do you take advice from your fear?

Fear. Just the word can cause us to react. And unfortunately, for a lot of people, fear is what dictates a lot of what we do and don’t do. So today, I share how you can identify your fears and stop them from shaping your future, so you can have the life you want and
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Have you launched yet?

Many people in the world of ‘Yes but, yes but’. If you want a better future, don’t have groundhog days. You see, you’ve been given a mind for two things: imagination to create the future and memory to replay the past. But you only need imagination, to launch your new, better future. So today, I
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Nothing changes until something changes

Someone once said to me ‘nothing changes until something changes’ and I couldn’t agree more. We all want change but we don’t change ourselves. We want world peace but we’re in conflict with family members for example. So in today’s Motivational Monday, I share what it takes to experience real change in our lives. Yours
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Do you have a 5-dollar mindset?

People always come to me, saying ‘I need to make more, I need to have more’. Of course you do, most people do. But what most people don’t have is the mindset to have more. Because you can’t have a million dollar income on a 5-dollar mindset. So in today’s Motivational Monday, I share exactly
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The voices inside your mind

Are the voices inside your head like 40 television screens on all at once? We have to be careful of these voices. Because they can sometimes terrify us and destroy our hopes and dreams. So in today’s motivational Monday video, I share with you how to only listen to the voices in our heads that
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Why struggle is good

With everything we want to achieve (getting fit, creating wealth, etc..) comes a struggle. And struggle is a sign that you haven’t been defeated. So in today’s motivational Monday video, I share how you can embrace your struggles so you can achieve what you want and desire. Yours in Prosperity, Pat Mesiti

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What you do daily

A wise mentor of mine once told me: “What you do daily, will determine what you are permanently.” Although daily good habits are easy to do, they’re just as easy not to do. So in today’s message, I invite you to look closely at your daily habits and see if you follow daily disciplines that
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Live full… die empty

I once heard this statement “live full, die empty”. It’s sad that some of us when we die with our dreams still inside of us. Dreams unfulfilled… This is why in this week’s message, I share with you how to make sure we achieve our goals, our dreams and our desires and pursue them with
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