
Money Making Ideas

The 7 Essential Steps to Developing a Mind that Generates Money-Making Ideas

In my last blog, I wrote about how to come up with a brilliant idea. I also gave you homework, asking you to write down ten good ideas every day no matter how silly or outlandish they first appeared. Do you know that in 1923 a food scientist came up with the idea to convert
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How to come up with a brillaint idea

How to Come Up with a Brilliant Business Idea

The Story of Bette Nesmith GrahamI am fascinated by entrepreneurs who come up with one brilliant idea which makes them millions. One of my favourite entrepreneurs is the late great Bette Nesmith Graham. Most of you will be too young to remember her. In the 1950s she was a single mother who worked as a
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Billion Dollar Industry

How to Tap Into a Billion Dollar Industry and Prosper

Earlier this year I blogged about the growth of the self-improvement industry. By self-improvement I’m talking about helping people to improve physically, mentally, financially and spiritually. As you know I take a holistic approach to prosperity and well-being. I believe that every individual has the ability to prosper and reap abundance in this world, but
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The Art of Elegant Self-Promotion

The Art of Elegant Self-Promotion

If you have your own business or enterprise, you already know how important marketing is. It is imperative that you have a strong market presence and be out there convincing consumers that your product is good. Too often if you are a small business owner, you become the face of the business – and your
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Become a Leader and Increase Influence

How to Become a Thought Leader and Increase Your Influence

Thought leaders are the foremost authorities in their field. They are the go-to people, renowned for their ideas and trusted for their insight. Thought leaders have industry clout, but no one is born a thought leader. The British author, Sir Kenneth Robinson, said, “You can’t be a creative thinker if you’re not stimulating your mind,
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Turn your Dreams Into Reality

How to Turn your Dreams Into Reality

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”. If you are familiar with my work, you know that I believe that you’ve got to dream big to achieve in this world – you have to have a vision – and dreams offer us true inspiration. However
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Turn Knowledge into a business

How to Turn Your Knowledge Into a Thriving Business

According to the latest statistics unemployment fell to 5.6% in July, but dig a little deeper and the figures reveal that 20,300 full-time positions were lost last month. The only reason unemployment appeared to go down was because more part-time positions were created.The truth is that there is no such thing as job security anymore
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engage your audience

How to build a large, engaged tribe for your business

A tribe is another word for community, or more accurately a community of your supporters. Regardless of whether you are in business, volunteer for a charity or are keen to promote a cause – you need a tribe. But how do you go about building a big community? There are a few basic rules I
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How to Become an Authority in Your Industry

How to Become an Authority in Your Industry

If you are a florist, vet, personal coach or stylist and you want to grow your business, it pays to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. Ultimately you want to establish yourself as the authority in the industry. Alternatively you may have a passion that you’d like to make profitable, again you will
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How to Choose a Mentor to Succeed

How to Choose a Mentor to Succeed

In life, there are two key ways that people learn – from making mistakes and being taught by a mentor. Having a mentor is of course the less painful way of gaining knowledge and that’s what I want to write about today. However, if you’ve made a mistake recently, regardless of whether it’s a big
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The Do’s and Don’ts When Supporting a Friend in Crisis

The Do’s and Don’ts When Supporting a Friend in Crisis

My philosophy about life is that you are either just about to enter a crisis or you are just leaving one. It’s rarely ever smooth sailing. Have you ever supported a close friend going through a crisis? I’m eternally grateful to the friends who supported me through the tough times in my life, and if
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People Looking Choosing at Colleagues Photo

The 8 Biggest Mistakes Businesses Make with Staff

According to the Seek website, about 25% of Australians on the market for a new job are disillusioned with their existing workplace, and too often indentify a bad boss as the reason they want to leave. Do you manage people in a workplace? Do you think you do it well? Alternatively, have you worked in
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