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Are you an Iceberg?

Icebergs or Skyscrapers Iceberg Mentality

What Significance Does Within A Team

The leader who imparts a sense of significance to his or her followers develops in them both individual and corporate loyalty. Their loyalty is marked by willingness and desire for personal change, even when it means pain or sacrifice. They become stayers not quitters, actively committed to the success and development of the organisation. Those
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Followers Require a Sense of Significance

An important principle to understand is that followers require a sense of significance. Nothing motivates people more than the feeling that they are worthwhile and important. This does not mean a leader manipulates through some hidden agenda. Leaders must genuinely believe followers are valuable and important. When leaders are effectively communicating this, people rise up
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The Leaders and Followers

The Leaders and Followers

What do I mean about leaders and followers? The care of those you lead must always take priority over your own wellbeing. As a leader your primary goal is to accomplish your mission, but the welfare of your followers is your second priority. After all, without followers you are not a leader. A leader influences
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How Do I Know if I’m a Leader or a Follower?

There is always a diverse response when you ask someone to define leadership. Many people say it is vision, courage, credibility or determination. But I sincerely believe leadership is first and foremost about people.  It’s about leaders releasing people to do what they need to do in the most productive and beneficial way. Leadership is
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Becoming Empowered By The Words You Speak

The tongue of a dreamer always speaks words of encouragement, building others up. It uses tact and diplomacy.  Dreams live or die in our mouths. I can tell a dreamer by the words they speak. The Bible puts it more bluntly – it says life and death are in the power of the tongue. The
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Be the Good News Bringer at Christmas

Do you know that the amazing thing about Christmas is that often times we can forget what Christmas is about. Be the Good News Bringer! From the very first Christmas – number 1 it was about good news.  Make sure this Christmas you are a bearer of good news.  There’s a lot of bad news
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Conceive And Believe Your Dream – Part 2

In my previous blog post we talked about how to conceive and believe your dream an in that section we spoke about the head. Well today we’re going to talk about the mind to continue on our journey. THE MIND The mind of a dreamer is in forward or positive gear. A visionary is a
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