Rich Woman Livestream Featuring Kim Kiyosaki LIVE

Discover the fastest path to win the game of money and achieve success and significance in life and career

The Livestream to attend to discover brilliant new business ideas and profitable strategies, experience massive breakthroughs and learn the secrets of becoming financially independent.



Tuesday, December 15th
11am AEDT (Sydney) / 
Midnight GMT (London)

Equivalent to:

Monday, December 14th
7pm EST (New York)

Have you ever wondered how so many women manage to reach high levels of career success while juggling so many other things… and create lifestyles and incomes for themselves and their families most only ever dream of?

Is there a burning ambition and desire within YOU to create something significant for yourself and your family… a deep desire to discover the secrets to becoming financially free and experience a truly limitless life?

Perhaps you’re already moving towards that goal yet know there’s something you still need to learn… a strategy to allow your dream to reach its full potential!

Women Are Getting Richer Faster Than Men

A recent UBS/PwC Billionaire report stated that women are getting richer faster than men and so is their influence. In fact the report said: “Women are wielding greater influence, driving family wealth creation, promoting firm and family governance, and championing philanthropy.”

The global wealth consultancy Wealth X also released a report with similar findings, stating that women were making up a larger share of the ultra-wealthy than ever before.

No doubt with technology spurring new opportunities for wealth creation, the number of self-made female entrepreneurs is on the rise all over the world.

Will You Be Next?

This is why we’re putting together the Rich Woman Livestream one-off event, featuring self-made multi-millionaire Kim Kiyosaki and world-renowned entrepreneurs to share with you their proven strategies so you can just model their success.

This event designed to inspire you, support you and guide you on your journey to achieving the success and wealth you deserve.

During this potentially life-changing livestream you will discover:

  • How to build a 6 figure business in 3 years or less
  • How to make an extra 100k this year without having to sell anything to anyone, all in the comfort of your own home and in your own time.
  • The proven system for creating wealth from wherever you are right now, using resources you already have, whatever your current situation
  • The answer to the common question: 'Can you really balance financial success with personal or family life?
  • Practical tips, strategies and techniques for boosting your income this year!
  • Proven ways for starting an exciting new business that will set your life ablaze with excitement and new-found income streams
  • Investing methods for today’s market conditions that are generating fantastic returns right now
  • The inspiration you need if you’re considering what type of business to start or wanting to find your true calling in life
  • The secret to developing best-selling ideas that are ingenious and on-target in today’s market environment
  • The crucial things you must know BEFORE undertaking any new business venture or investment (these will make the difference between floundering and flourishing)
  • The insights, strategies and tactics that have helped men and women create more income streams from
  • The mistakes even seasoned business people make which dooms businesses before they even begin – and how to avoid it every single time.

And much, much more!

No doubt, you’ll leave the event with a wealth of proven moneymaking information.



Tuesday, December 15th
11am AEDT (Sydney) / 
Midnight GMT (London)

Equivalent to:

Monday, December 14th
7pm EST (New York)

If you’re looking for answers regarding your professional life, investments and wealth creation, this livestream is where you’ll find them.

Just think about this

The secrets being shared will be coming directly from different entrepreneurs who have businesses worth MILLIONS and are industry leaders.

The speakers at the Rich Woman livestream are among the best in the world – ready, willing and able to take your existing business or business idea to the next level!

These people started off with hardly anything but a desire or an idea that they knew could work if they gained the right knowledge!

…and of course, the insights shared could make the difference between you struggling, or experiencing spectacular money breakthroughs over the next 12 months!

The Rich Woman event is for you if:

  • You are stuck in a job you hate and want to make a career change
  • You are ready to create more in your life
  • You want to achieve balance between work and your personal life
  • You want to feel inspired again and feel passionate about your life again
  • You want to know how you can increase your revenue streams without having to make big sacrifices
  • You have a passion and want to know how you can monetize it
  • You’d like to own your own business and stop working for someone else, get out of the rat race and enjoy more free time
  • You don’t want to depend on anyone for money
  • You want to feel happy and proud of what you’ve achieved and become the shining example of success
  • You’re starting your life all over again and don’t want to waste any time in trial and error. You just want to follow in the footsteps of those who’ve achieved what you want to achieve

Above all, this livestream is for women who are serious and committed to changing their lives and reaching new highs.

We know that deep inside, you have a desire to do something extraordinary. In your heart, you know what you want in your life, even though there may be a part of you that doesn’t think you can do it.

And we know that the real success in your life is not just all the things you attain, all the wealth you attract but also how many lives you can impact and how much difference you can make in the world.


  • There’s no reason why you can’t do something extraordinary right now
  • There’s no reason why you can’t empower any area of your life
  • There’s no reason why you can’t earn more and be successful
  • There’s no reason why you can’t have what you’ve always dreamed of

So if you’re currently experiencing a plateau in your life and not going to the next level, or you're unclear about where you want to go or how to start your own successful venture, or maybe you’re working for someone else and you're not feeling like you're achieving what you want, but you're frightened about taking that next step, at this event we’ll show you every one of those steps to take.

Maybe you're in debt and you're wanting to transform it into positive cash flow, or maybe you want to get to a point where you have financial independence and freedom.
Then, we urge you to secure your ticket now before it’s too late.



Tuesday, December 15th
11am AEDT (Sydney) / 
Midnight GMT (London)

Equivalent to:

Monday, December 14th
7pm EST (New York)

By attending the livestream, you’ll be able to:

  • Take the bold action you are ready for.
  • Make the difference in the world you are called to.
  • Find your true life purpose and create a life you are proud of.
  • Use the teachings shared at this event to go live your dream.

We promise you this livestream is going to be a life-altering event for everyone who’s lucky enough – and smart enough – to attend.



Tuesday, December 15th
11am AEDT (Sydney) / 
Midnight GMT (London)

Equivalent to:

Monday, December 14th
7pm EST (New York)

Kim Kiyosaki
Kim Kiyosaki

Kim is an internationally-renowned speaker, author, entrepreneur, real estate investor, radio show host, and the founder of Rich Woman.

She started her career in Honolulu, Hawaii, as an employee for a business magazine. It gave her the opportunity to get used to business ownership ideas, investments, and being your own boss.

It inspired her to start her own business at an early age. It was a clothing business which gradually started to become a multi-million corporation with distribution in the United States.

During this time she met with her future husband and fellow Robert Kiyosaki. They worked together to do their own business and invest in the real estate. In just five years, he became super-rich and started thinking about retirement. In 1994 they both sold his seminar business and got retired.

But again in 1997 and they both founded Cashflow Technologies. This company was established with the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences with the world that they gained while building their business.

Kim’s mission is to educate women about the importance of financial literacy, freedom, and independence.

She is an inspiration for women all over the world because she is on the list of self-made millionaire women in the world.

Pat & Christine Mesiti
Pat & Christine Mesiti

Pat is a highly effective income acceleration coach. His passion is to EQUIP and EMPOWER individuals and businesses to experience growth and prosperity to their fullest potential. His expertise is to SHIFT MINDSETS AND TO BUILD BIGGER PEOPLE.

Pat has spoken globally to some of the largest conferences, and his books and materials have numerous copies. Having built some of the world’s largest people organizations, Pat understands the power of harnessing people’s potential.

Together with his wife Christine, Pat runs Reborn Ministry. An online ministry that was founded in response to the COVID-19 lockdowns when church gatherings stopped. Their ministry gives people an opportunity to receive a fresh encounter with God so they can find their true calling and achieve anything they set their mind to.

Sean Allison
Sean Allison

Sean Allison is a world-renowned trader and investor. His simple yet very effective cashflow generating strategies have stood the test of time.

Since 2012 he has helped a countless number of women around the world make a full-time living from home, in just a few hour a week.

Elspeth Hughes

Elspeth is a single mother based in the UK who struggled for years to make ends meet as a music producer. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, she faced serious financial problems which she quickly overcame by setting up an ecommerce business.

She discovered a unique way to sell physical products online to people all over the world. Since, her business has been consistently generating 5 to 6 figures monthly income. She now helps women wanting to reach financial independence to do so thanks to ecommerce.



Tuesday, December 15th
11am AEDT (Sydney) / 
Midnight GMT (London)

Equivalent to:

Monday, December 14th
7pm EST (New York)

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