Posts in Mindset

How to Easily Embrace Life Changes

How to Easily Embrace Life Changes

I recently saw a news story on TV about a young couple, who’d been homeless for two years. They won $200,000 on a lotto scratch-card and the first thing they did was go out and buy an expensive boat. I wondered why they didn’t put a deposit on a house. Am I old-fashioned? I do
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Morning Rituals of High Achievers

How to Follow the Key Morning Rituals of High Achievers

In a recent blog, I told you about a friend of mine who writes her novels at night because in the day time she cares for two small children, but she is working against her bodies’ circadian rhythms. She is making her body work when it wants to rest. To ‘bribe’ her body to do
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Increase Your Motivation

10 Ways To Increase Your Motivation

I had a fantastic time speaking across Australia on the recent Turning Passion into Profit tour. I love meeting people and it was wonderful to again visit these beautiful cities. What I found more difficult was sitting down and preparing my presentations ahead of the seminars. That requires hours of writing and thinking, practicing and
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How to Easily Overcome Setbacks

How to Easily Overcome Setbacks

What sort of setbacks have you faced in life? Have you been let down by friends or business partners? Cheated out of an inheritance? Betrayed by your spouse? Perhaps you were recently bypassed for a promotion at work and the boss went with someone less able and talented than you, but that someone invested a
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How to Give Advice and Make a Difference in People’s Lives

How to Give Advice and Make a Difference in People’s Lives

In my last blog I wrote about the best way to seek advice. Today I want to look on the best way how to give advice in a way that genuinely helps people.Don’t Give Unsolicited AdviceWe’ve all been on the end of unsolicited advice and know how annoying and intrusive it is to be lectured
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The Secrets to Seeking Out Advice

The Secrets to Seeking Out Advice

Mothers are famous for giving advice and sometimes we need it – especially when we’re about to leave the house.As an adult, who do you go to when you need advice? Giving and getting good advice can definitely help the decision making process, but too often we go to the wrong people for advice or
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How to Overcome Stress

8 Secrets to Overcome Stress

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been on a speaking tour across Australia. At one seminar I met a man who runs his own business. Like many small business people he has periods of not enough work, followed by times of too much work. The start of the year was quiet for him, but
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7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

I once read about a famous film star who only got into acting because his mother sent him to acting lessons to overcome his shyness. This says a great deal about people who have a public profile. On the outside they appear confident and happy, but on the inside they are just as insecure and
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